Monday, July 5, 2010

My life on vacation

Last night the rain woke me up when it started in the early morning hours. I rolled over in bed, snuggled down between the sheets, and felt grateful to have a roof over my head.

This week in the Bog: I have important World Cup games to watch. Expo Vinos, the annual wine fair is on and I have a double pass: Conferences, exhibits, tastings, yum!

Julio, mes de mis nocturnidades y amaneceres. My life while the boys are with their father. This is what my life would be like if I lived alone. It is a vacation from my real life. It is fun; it’s a change. But I’m not ready for this as my permanent life. I would have to make some changes. I admit that I am a bit adrift.

Today the boys are back from their trip to Caño Cristales with their father.

It is gearing up to be hot as hell in Mtl this week. Balmy summer nights! Perfect jazz fest weather. It is cool and rainy here.

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